How to write an essay thesis
Compare And Contrast Essay Topics For Elementary Students
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Advice on Enrolling at the Florida State College at Jacsonville Essay
Counsel on Enrolling at the Florida State College at Jacsonville - Essay Example Numerous understudies pick FSCJ over different schools in view of the individual methodology that FSCJ has, its cordial condition, and the reasonable installment plans (â€Å"Florida State College at Jacsonville Reviews,†20110). FSCJ suits understudies under the Federal Student Aid or the individuals who expect to look for help from the legislature to back their school considers. To apply, understudies need to make sure about their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which is accessible in the FAFSA Web locales. The most straightforward approach to apply for government understudy help is to apply on the web. Paper applications are additionally acknowledged however they set aside more effort to process than online applications. The main activity is to enroll and make sure about a pin number. To be qualified, candidates ought to exhibit budgetary inadequacy to help their investigation, be U.S. residents, take a crack at a qualified program, and completed secondary school. Also, male candidates 18â€25 years old should enroll for a chose administration. With respect to the prerequisites, candidates should make sure about records, for example, secondary school recognition, charge endorsement, etc. Endless supply of the necessities, candidates may then round out the application structure. Next, they should audit the Student Aid Report so as to know different issues appropriate to their application, including how to catch up their application. Having settled on the course to take at FSCJ, the candidate should document their application for confirmation with the FSCJ while as yet sitting tight for their government understudy help application results. Like FAFSA, the FSCJ Web webpage offers online applications yet the school in like manner acknowledges hand-conveyed or sent applications. Candidates are required to take situation tests, for example, the ACT, FCAT, CPT, PERT, and SAT dependent upon the situation. These position tests decide the ap plicants’ abilities in the branches of knowledge to enable them to choose what courses to take. what's more, in what callings they are likely exceed expectations in. Candidates who effectively meet the underlying prerequisites may then finish the school direction, which essentially fills in as the guide for new understudies. This program is intended to advise understudies regarding the principles, physical structure, and arrangements of the school. After consummation of the direction program, understudies will experience first-term prompting. These incorporate understanding the situation results, recognizing what classes to take, and acclimating oneself with the enrollment procedure. Through this program, FSCJ guarantees every new understudy know about the school approaches and that they don't hesitate to request help from the counsel if the necessities emerge. FSCJ takes exhorting and guiding as a genuine responsibility. Educational plan encouraging is done to help understud ies in accomplishing their scholastic objectives, while directing attempts to manage understudies in their own interests, for example, managing injuries or emergencies, adapting to pressure and issues, and enduring challenges achieved by spontaneous pregnancy, family strife, etc. Understudies may benefit of prompting and guiding help by bringing in the Counseling/Advising office and making sure about an arrangement. To guarantee making the correct strides in their examinations, understudies ought to are appointed to a scholastic guide who will exhort them what classes to take particularly for the principal term. Understudies should know their advisor’s name and plan, and should visit their counselors not just during enlistment. A solid affinity is empowered among consultants and advisees particularly for the individuals who are working, since they have to educate their counsel regarding their own work routines. Moreover, when conversing with the counsel, understudies
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Marriage and welfare essays
Marriage and government assistance papers The disintegration of marriage in the course of recent years has enormously affected kids and the families in question. All things considered, this is the thing that most preservationist republicans would state, and President Bush is unquestionably driving the way. The helpful impacts of marriage for people and society are past debate and the Bush organization is attempting to ensure that administration strategy ought to advance marriage as opposed to dishearten it. President Bush has proposed the making of a program to advance solid and stable relationships. Interest in this program would be intentional. The financing for such a program would be around 300 million every year. This midpoints out to be one penny to advance relationships for each five dollars the administration spends to finance single parenthood.  ¡ This little venture today could bring about conceivably incredible sparing later on by decreasing the reliance on government assistance and other social services. ¡(Rector and Johnson ) As indicated by measurements almost 33% of every single American youngster are conceived with only one parent present. That is around one birth at regular intervals, and the youngsters brought into the world inside marriage the greater part of them will see separate before they arrive at the age of 18. Actually the greater part of the considerable number of kids in the United States will spend their adolescence in useless families. The Importance of marriage has been terribly disregarded. The disintegration of marriage is the chief reason for destitution in kid in the United States. Kids raised by single guardians are multiple times bound to grow up living in neediness than youngsters brought up in the home of the two guardians. Generally speaking roughly 80 percent of long haul youngster neediness in the United States originates from broken homes. Indeed, even with every one of these insights some despite everything contend that building solid sound relationships would have no impact on the neediness of kids, in light of the fact that ... <!
Sunday, August 16, 2020
New Student Photo Entry #6 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
New Student Photo Entry #6 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The following photos come from incoming MIA student James Canonge. Where the photo was taken: Jérémie, Haiti A brief description of the photo: These guys would hang around the construction site of an orphanage we were building in rural Haiti. Eager to show us some local produce, one climbed a nearby tree and plucked this unripe orange. Haitis violent slums are notorious, but here the machete is only used to divvy a refreshing afternoon snack. Where the photo was taken: Damascus, Syria A brief description of the photo: The covered end of ?Sharia al-Mustaqim is lined with spice vendors and couturiers. The taxi drivers and goods traders race up and down this busy street from morning until night, but the pace inside the shops is much calmer. I like how the contrasting atmospheres have been captured in this photo. The following comes from Diyana Ishak, incoming MIA Candidate. Where the photo was taken: Isfahan, Iran A brief description of the photo: This photo was taken during my trip to Iran in March 2007. The photo is a view of Imam Khomeini Square in Isfahan, a large city south of Tehran. Recently, it was the site of demonstrations against the outcome of the June 12 elections. The trip was an eye-opening experience for me, and you are welcome to read more about my experiences there on Foreign Policys blog: My thoughts and prayers are with Iranians now as they face incredibly challenging times.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
To What Extent Was Slavery the Cause of the American Civil...
In the context of the period 1763-1865, how far was the American Civil War caused by long term divisions over the issue of slavery? In his second inaugural address in March 1865, Abraham Lincoln looked back at the beginning of the Civil War four years earlier all knew, he said, that slavery was somehow the cause of the war. This essay will endeavour to discuss the role of long term divisions caused by the slavery debate in the eventual outbreak of the Civil War. In doing so this analysis will encompass the period between the birth of the nation beginning with the start of the American Revolution in 1763 and the conclusion of the Civil War in 1865. This being a period in which the newly independent nation struggled with its state†¦show more content†¦They are antagonistic principles and cannot exist long together - one or the other must fall.†‘Slave power’ heightened through media influences such as the non-abolitionist Cincinnati Daily Commercial claiming â€Å"There is such a thing as THE SLAVE POWER†encouraged the Northern populace that action needed to be taken against th e South in order to preserve the existence of their personal liberty. On the other hand, many Southerners like historian Ulrich Bonner Phillips, viewed slavery as a hierarchic order thus making it wholesome practice. Phillips recalls setting off to school as a young child and burdened by the prospect that his â€Å"sable companion†was able to play all day long. According to Hugh Tulloch, the Southerners had evolved a unique form of social relations based on slavery; whereby the master’s role was essentially paternal, â€Å"without slavery the black would either lapse into African savagery.†It is this view and that of Edward Channing’s, â€Å"the slaves were often happier than their masters†that appears so distorted in comparison to the Northern interpretation on slavery. It was this that became an important factor in consolidating antislavery sentiment in the North, thus widening the sectional rift between the North and South. If slavery is not wrong,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of James Mcpherson s What They Fought For 1861-1865 933 Words  | 4 PagesJames McPherson the author of What They Fought For 1861-1865, thesis states that the soldiers from both the North and South fought for a large extent for ideology, and not exclusively as brothers in war with other soldiers, for principles of strength or courage, and for the nations of honor and duty. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Great Leaders In Their Respective Fields Business Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 16 Words: 4678 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? In order to be a leader a man must have followers-Dwight Eisenhower. In simplest terms, a leader is one who knows where he wants to go, and gets up, and goes-John Erksine, The complete Life. Leaders are dealers in hopeNapoleon. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Great Leaders In Their Respective Fields Business Essay" essay for you Create order Real Leaders are ordinary people with extraordinary determinationAnonymous The other word that comes to the mind is leadership which is quiet closely associated with leaders. What is Leadership? Leadership is capacity to translate vision into reality-Warren.G.Benis. Leadership is action, not positionDonald McGannon. Leadership is getting someone to do what they dont want to do, to achieve what they want to achieveTom Landry From the above discussion it can be seen that our research paper revolves around leaders and leadership. The principle aim of this study is to determine the influential leadership competencies that are evident in the successful management of an organisation; highlighting, or otherwise, how a charismatic vision can improve performance. This will be investigated primarily through the opinions of employees representing an organisation deemed successful. Keywords: Leadership, Management and Leaders 1.0 Introduction Sharp and Howard (1996, as cited in Saunders et al, 2003) explain two major reasons for reviewing literature published by accredited scholars and researchers. The preliminary search enables the researcher to generate and refine ideas. This is followed by a critical review, a crucial element of any research project. The purpose of the theoretical underpinning is to convey to the reader what knowledge and ideas have been established regarding the subject matter. Saunders et al. (2003) state that a review of the literature is necessary to help develop a thorough understanding of, and insight into previous research of ones research question (s) and objectives. The following literature review will aim to differentiate between the process of leadership and the position of a leader. Knowledge and ideas of the two will be presented with the strengths and weaknesses highlighted. The importance of explaining this variance cannot be underestimated; confusion between the two exists and is ofte n debated. This review will show leadership to be collaborative; involving cooperation, teamwork, networking and the mobilising of resources; whereas a leader is presented as individualistic, special, with successful figures further examined. Understanding the requirements of leadership and the development of positive leadership skills is arguably the single most important task for society (Krause, 1997); this view is particularly true in the management of an organisation. Leadership in contemporary organisational life has become a pervasive phenomenon.(Storey, 2004: 3.) Storey (2004) believes there are few, if any, hotter topics in management, business and organisation theory at the present time, than leadership. Professor Gareth Jones (ed. The RSA, 1999) asked why, as the 20th century came to a close, are we so obsessed with leadership? Jones believes it is historically fundamental to be so and cites Karl Marx and Charles Darwin as intellectual giants of such a philosophy. It is widely regarded (Bennis, 1989; Conger and Kanungo, 1998; Hodgkinson, 1983; Wright, 1996) that leadership advice is generally, anecdotal and situational, based on an individuals own experiences and beliefs. Leadership has always been recognised as a complex enterprise (Burns, 1978; Hodgkinson, 1983; Knowles and Saxberg, 1971), and as recent studies assert (Kouzes and Posner, 2002; Mole, ed. Storey, 2004), vision and collaboration are now more important characteristics of effective leadership. Management is an organised body of knowledge (Drucker, 1985) and is about seeking order and stability, however, leadership is about searching adaptive and constructive change (Northouse, 2004). Max Weber was deeply intrigued about the leaders charisma and how the affects it has on those around (Conger and Kanungo, 1998), the researcher shares this interest through reading around the array of published literature on the subject. Charismatic leadership obviously represents a percentage of the ever-increasing amount of secondary data available; however, compared to other approaches, this percentage is low. The researcher has a keen interest in the differing styles of leadership used in todays society. Being given the opportunity to establish, which type of style achieves success, in a particular industry, is of great importance to the researcher; is a justification for research, and a personal motivation towards the study. Remember the difference between a boss and a leader: a boss says Go!, a leader says, Lets go!'(Hughes et al., 1999:128) 1.1 Research Qu estion Can leadership offer competitive advantage to corporations on regional basis irrespective of national culture? What are the core characteristics possessed by founders or great leaders those have helped regional subsidiaries in conservative states to achieve sustainability till date? Our main focus is to provide and analyse characteristics those can offer competitive advantage to todays competing organisations worldwide. On the other hand, we are also interested to witness and analyse leadership characteristics or styles or visions those have helped particular organisations enhance long-term sustainability. This is because both these questions and the propositions revolving are complimentary to each other (i.e. leaders with particular characteristics will be incepted in corporate culture offering that particular organisation competitive edge against closest peers) and can enhance the reliability and validity of our analysis and findings. These findings will be translated to witness whether great leaders such as Sam Walton, Michael Dells unique leadership characteristics still prevail on regional basis or just confined to corporate headquarters. In other words, if a multinational corporation has unique leadership skill driven corporate culture will its subsid iary in conservative business environment such as Middle East share the same or differ? If it does then leadership offers competitive advantage irrespective of cultural and regional bias. 1.2 Background Leadership should be viewed as achieving goals through people; furthermore, all managers are leaders so should act accordingly (Armstrong, 1990). However, if managers are to achieve optimum results then there is a need for them to understand the nature of leadership before establishing a suitable style. Leadership must be grounded in principles, which are properties of the universe (Covey, 1992). According to Covey (1992), there exist four levels of principle centred leadership with key principles: Organisational Alignment. Managerial Empowerment. Interpersonal Trust. Personal Trustworthiness. Mahatma Gandhi (below) once said seven things would destroy us, Covey (1992) attempted to relate this statement within the leadership framework. Many lessons were drawn from Gandhis life, and could be used to develop a leadership framework to bring the moral and spiritual dimension to leadership and guide employees to a higher standard (Nair, 1994). Simple methods such as personal observation and a commitment to the truth allow a leader to see things as they really are, understanding the true needs of the followers they are leading (Nair, 1994). Leaders need to develop their own values, by reading scriptures, the New Testament, words by Gandhi, etc. (Giuliani, 2002). If the leader fails to uphold values of his society, or the values to which his society aspires, he is unworthy of that uncommon honour which the leader represents.(Atherton, 2003: 114). The development of leadership has long been on the agenda globally; Alimo-Metcalfe, Beverly and Lawler (2001) reported the findings of a study of public and private sector organisations. Employees were constantly fending off lies and felt their opinions and feelings were not being sought. A key recommendation from the findings was the development of in-house leadership skills. Leadership is like athleticism, that is one has to stay in shape. By handling crises as they occur, they may one day be conditioned to handle the worst kind of test (Giuliani, 2002).Giuliani (2002) discusses leadership principles that have proved successful to him in a distinguished career; he is convinced that leadership is not exercised in a vacuum, independent of their individual past. This, of course, is quite the contrary of much leadership literature; certainly affirming words. Giuliani (2002) believes a leaders approach must be formed from the raw material of his or her own life, because leadership does not simply happen, however, can be taught, learned and developed. Much of Giulanis (2002) theories on leaders and leadership include articulate advice on the many issues involved. However, not all of the principles should be adhered; Giulani advocates keeping expectations low at all times so th at the leader looks good when results turned out better than expected, under promise and over deliver is how he put it. The notion flip-flopping is rarely recommended throughout much of the literature, this means changing your mind as a leader. It is not a sign of weakness; moreover, it is an indication of intellectual honesty (Giuliani, 2002). Giuliani (2002) seldom highlights the current concepts of leadership, however does offer much quality in regards to some key aspects of the subject, with certain characteristics being given individual chapters. Preparation is a major rule in leadership, and stays with us our entire lives; without it, there can be no leadership. A career of relentless preparation means leaders can borrow from their other contingency plans (Giuliani, 2002). When selected for a position of leadership, do not believe you were selected by God,(Giulani, 2002: 100). It is apparent how James Stokesburys words are so accurate when he expressed how leadership always remains the most baffling of arts, and one of the highest and most elusive of qualities; it will remain an art (Stokesbury, ed. Waddell, 1994). 2.0 Literature Review 2.1 Leadership offering competitive advantage Despite their best efforts, a significant number of firms are still a long way from having the leadership capacity they need to excel today (Kotter, 2001). Though many may be moving in the right direction, progress seems to be coming very slowly (Yukl, 2002). In some cases, firms are clearly making no progress at all (Bennis Robert, 2002). Just as vision helps leaders to produce change that eludes managers and bureaucrats, powerful ideas can transform situations that are impervious to programs, tools, or simplistic advice (Mintzberg, 1994). New ideas are what we need or, more precisely, new ways of thinking about some very basic issues. It would help greatly if we could take the concept of the professional manager who can manage anything and drive a stake through its ever so resilient heart (Bennis Robert, 2002). That concept is still very influential today, despite some peoples efforts to demonstrate the problems with it. It haun ts MBA education (Yukl, 2002). It influences how managers think about their careers (sometimes in most destructive ways). It is used to justify tragic staffing decisions, some of the more outrageous acquisitions by raiders, and many of the least successful diversification efforts seen in the last two decades (Kotter, 2009). Unlike management, the requirements for leadership include some things that are very situation-specific and that tend to take time, often much time, to develop (Storey, 2004). This is why no one has ever dreamed of suggesting the concept of the professional leader (Mintzberg, 1994). Of course, all this does not preclude the existence of a few unusually broad and talented people who can move easily across industries and companies (Bennis Robert, 2002). There will always be some people like that. But they will always be rare (Mintzberg, 1994). And even those people will have limits to what they can manage (Kotter, 2001). For the foreseeable future at least, mos t managerial jobs will have a leadership component to them. Big jobs will usually require a lot of leadership (Bennis Robert, 2002). It is time we explicitly recognize that in the way we think about those jobs (Storey, 2004). When we do, it will have a powerful impact on how we staff managerial jobs and on how we go about developing people for those jobs (Mintzberg, 1994). It will also shape (for the better) how we think about business strategies, especially regarding acquisitions (Yukl, 2002). Mention the word leadership, and the vast majority of folks will think of Gandhi or Churchill or Iacocca. In doing so, they raise the concept to a level where it seems relevant to a handful of people at most (Kotter, 2001). Thinking that way, the young manager doesnt try to develop her own leadership potential, because, after all, she realizes that she is just a mortal and was surely not born a leader (Mintzberg, 1994). Thinking that same way, her boss does nothing to develop that potential either (after all, the boss rationalizes, the kid is not a young Iacocca). The same boss also does not worry about leadership when recruiting (finding the next Leader, he points out, is surely the CEOs job). The overall effect of all those actions is obviously enormous (Storey, 2004). Leadership, with a small 1, is of incredible importance in todays world. (Mintzberg, 1994) Its cumulative effect often makes the difference between dreadfully stifling and unresponsive bureaucracies and lively, adaptive organizations (Kotter, 2001). At the level of a single individual, it sometimes occurs in such a subtle way that we dont even notice it (Storey, 2004). That is especially true if the vision is borrowed (developed not by the individual but by someone else) and the number of people who must be led is very small, as is so often the case (Yukl, 2002). A firm that has taken the time to develop practices and programs that build strong management teams able to provide a business with effect ive leadership has a most powerful source of competitive advantage today (Kotter, 2001). And even if a firm is competing against a very rich and very large corporation, if that competitor does not have comparable practices, my research suggests that it may well require a decade to develop the conditions that can sustain those practices (Yukl, 2002). And during the 10-year period, the firm with strong leadership has a chance, in a truly competitive environment, to pulverize the competition (Storey, 2004). The problem today is that many people consider these issues either esoteric (e.g., leadership is about Gandhi and Churchill) or personnel trivialities (e.g., recruiting), or possibly both. That is, they fail to see that the business environment today has, in a sense, democratized leadership, making it relevant not for the few but for the many (Bennis Robert, 2002). They also fail to recognize (or refuse to acknowledge) that whether the many are prepared for the leadership challenge is directly a function of core organizational practices, not peripheral personnel programs (Storey, 2004). And in the broadest sense, they fail to realize that what we are discussing here is how a changing business environment is shifting the bases of competitive advantage, and thus of what will be required to excel in the future (Yukl, 2002). 3.0 Secondary Research-Empirical Evidence 3.0 Corporate Leaders In this section we will sketch the philosophies approaches, which were followed by four great corporate leaders. This will help us to differentiate in built leadership skills and those that can be acquired through training and coaching or team work. The literature review provides characteristics of past leaders who characteristics could be viable in 21st century but can have some pitfall with the fast moving 21st century corporate world (Krames, 2003). To remove this bias we would look in short in lifes of some corporate leaders. They are John. D. Rockfeller Sr, Sam Walton, Jack Welch Michael Dell. There are many Great corporate Leaders other than these four e.g. Andy Groove, Bill Gates, Herb Kelleher, Percy Barnevik etc. The reason to choose these is just Random Sampling but has chosen Rockfeller to see whether leader characteristics changed/remained same with time. Most of the biographies about the leaders is taken from the book What the Best CEOs Know (2003) written by James Krames 3.1 John.D.Rockfeller Sr He was born in the year 1839 and raised in the strictest Baptist faith (Krames, 2003). He was greedy from his childhood as he used to buy candies from the shops sold them to his siblings at a profit. After finishing his basic schooling entered a job as an accountant at the age of 16 (Krames, 2003). Along with an Associate a Chemist founded the first refinery in Cleveland in 1863 and named it as Standard Oil. Standard Oil grew at a rapid rate as Rockfeller reinvested his profits kept the cost wages as low as possible (Krames, 2003). He never liked to be in public and the only place people found him was in his office. He was never seen in the Oil regions (Bass, 1985). Rockfellers vision was that he knew by controlling refining he was going to be the King in the oil segment but at the same time he started Vertical integration i.e. controlling the chain from extraction- Refining (Krames, 2003). Rockfellers strict Baptist faith made him despise personal luxury drove him to reinvest all his profits (In 1886 Net profit = $15 Million/year). When a new distillation Method came in 1875 he quickly decided to do refining in only three of his outlets to improve Economies of Scale (Krames, 2003). He always had one more philosophy which he followed and took Standard Oil to success was that When in a sector not much happens you can achieve success by grabbing the Distribution Channel (Bass, 1985). 3.2. Sam Walton There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere elseSam Walton. Most everything Ive done copied from someone elseSam Walton. Sam Walton regarded as one of the greatest Entrepreneurs of the 20th Century who founded Wal-Mart the worlds largest company (Wal-Mart topped the list of Fortune500 companies in 2002 (Krames, 2003). Sam born in Oklahoma to Thomas Walton a farmer cum banker who taught Sam that Success= Work+ Work + Work (Bathory, 1978). Sams taste in retailing grew when he seldom visited his family owned small store during the holidays. After graduating from college he started as a Management Trainee at J.C. Penney Management for $75/month (Krames, 2003). He always wanted to open his own business so took franchise of Ben Franklin who was number two to Sterling stores (Bathory, 1978). He used to spend much more time in Sterling store studying their displays, comparing prices annoying its owner. In 1962 first Wal-Mart store was opened based its model on Discounting+ location of store in rural areas (Bathory, 2978). When it came to learning there were no limits to Walton (Krames, 2003). He studied competitors prices, merchandising techniques to improve his own store. His one of the philosophies was To improve something everyday (Krames, 2003). He created a culture of partnership in Wal-Mart, which is give employees share of profits; Voice and then they will work hard. He said Learn from competitors but remain faithful to your company vision which was discounting (Bathory, 1978). 3.3 Jack Welch I never associate the word passion with manager, and I have never seen a leader without it. Jack Welch You have got to have incredible energy to lead any organisation. You have got to be on fire, if you will. Jack Welch. John Frances Welch was born in Salem Massachusetts in 1935 (Krames, 2003). He completed his M.S PhD from the University of Illinois in Chemical Engineering. Jack Welch mentor was his mother who taught him the mixture of unconditional love and to set very tough standards for achievement which brought best in him as well as in others (Welch, 2001). His greatest break was to grow up in an atmosphere in which there were a lot of team sports (Krames, 2003). He learnt from that winning is about having the very best people . When Jack Welch joined GE its revenues were $25 billion and when he stepped out it showed $130 billion. He cr eated a Learning culture in GE. His approach to create an Authentic-learning organisation was as follows (Welch, 2001): Import best ideas into your organisation. Reward those who bring the best ideas celebrate the new ideas i.e. put it in GE magazine. During his tenure of 20 years in GE spend almost 1 billion on training learning (Krames, 2003). Welch introduced some new concepts such as 4Es of Leadership (Energy, Energize, Edge Execute) six-sigma concept in Quality control, which he also made mandatory for all professionals in GE to learn (Krames, 2003). His legacy still prevails after his retirement (Summer 2000 a publisher paid $7 million to publish his memoirs). 3.4 Michael. S. Dell From the start, our business- from manufacturing to sales- was oriented around listening to the customerMichael Dell. Michael Dell was born on 23rd February in Houston Texas, USA (Krames, 2003). He published his first product catalog at the age of 12 (Krames, 2003). He attended the University of Texas at Austin to become a doctor but dropped out at the age of 19 and started Dell Computer Corporation. At the age of 27 he was the youngest CEO of a Fortune 500 company (Krames, 2003). His strategy vision was based on keeping customer needs preferences at the central stage (Chandler, 2004). His once said, Managers cant force their philosophies or views in the market place but learn from market make products accordingly. He created a culture Involve customer in every thing organize people to satisfy them (Krames, 2003). 3.5 Past studies and derivation of common characteristics in corporate leaders J.Krames in his book What the Best CEOs Know, 2003 gives five basic characteristics a leader should possess in order to transform any business, which he found in seven exceptional leaders like Jack Welch, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Andy Groove three more. The common characteristics which all these four well-known corporate leaders possess are as follows: Star t with a view of the market place create an organisation focused on satisfying customer needs They possess an evangelical leadership gene. In other words they are devoted committed to a cause/philosophy. They understand the critical role of culture know how difficult it is to bring a cultural change. Create next generation products, solution etc. Implement the best ideas regardless of their origins. Henry Mintzberg in his article book The fall Rise of Strategic Planning, HBR, January 1994 urges that the middle level managers are crucial in the organisation as they are the only link between the lower and the top management. The middle level managers according to Mintzberg are closer and possess more information about whats happening outside the organisation than the top management personnels. Mintzberg (1994) then urges that the strategies made by the middle level managers are deliberate (planned) and those made by top management /leaders/ strategic thinkers are em ergent. The environment outside the organisation is not stable it always fluctuate thats why Mintzberg says that deliberate strategies are good for inside the organisation but for outside the organisation strategies should be emergent and should be made by strategic thinkers i.e. leaders. The role of middle level managers should be to provide sound information to the strategic thinkers through his analytical technical skills. Bottom line: From the literature review above its clear that motivation (self and team), understanding sub ordinates and other peers, ability to control people, self confidence and building a team are the five most important characteristics required by a leader. These are the five pillars sketched by Goleman (2004) for Emotional Intelligence. If we look at the corporate leaders of 21st century we can easily differentiate the leadership styles of majority of them Example Rockfeller Sr, Michael Dell and Sam Walton can be termed as charismatic while Jack Welch lies in the transformational leadership domain. This can be mainly due to the fact that the first three were entrepreneurs while the later was more of in-house leader of General Electric. James Krames on other hand provides a theoretical framework defining the key common characteristics in corporate leaders. Krames (2003) has narrowed down the broader characteristics define by other academics like stakeholder or customer centric focus i.e. concern about society values as uttered by Gandhi. The other elements such as understanding role of culture is similar to building a team as its truly said organisation doesnt has culture but itself is culture. A visionary attitude found in most leaders such as Michael Dell, Rockfeller Sr, Bill Gates and more is one of the symptoms of charismatic leadership style. 4.0 Primary Research-Leadership creating competitive advantage discussion From the above secondary research deck we have analysed the common leadership characteristics present in todays corporate leaders such as Rockfeller, Jack Welch, Sam Walton and Michael Dell. This surely answers one of our research questions related to understanding characteristics those make up a great leader. Now, we would like to understand whether these unique characteristics have provided long-term competitive advantage to organisations such as Dell, Exxon Mobil, Walmart etc. A respondent size of 50 business students in UAE are selected as sample to understanding the current status of organisations those were or are represented by corporate leaders such as Rockfeller, Jack Welch, Sam Walton and Michael Dell on regional basis. Sr No Questions Yes No   1 Do you feel ExxonMobil, Dell, Walmart and GE are market leaders in respectively segments globally? 100% 0%   2 Do you feel Jack Welch, Rockfeller, Michael Dell and Sam Walton incepted long-term leadership vision in their respective enterprises? 100% 0%   3 Are these organisations mentioned above are still run on leadership visions incepted by great leaders or need some restructuring 100% 0%   4 Do you feel Middle East business subsidiaries of ExonMobil, Dell Corportation share the same leadership vision and culture as headquarters 95% 5% Organisation as family In fluxed self confidence across all organisation level High spirited motivation Understanding micro and macro factors 5 What is one thing that you feel is good in these corporations or their great leaders style? 35% 15% 15% 35% Thus from the above short survey it could be seen that great leaders such as Sam Walton, Michael Dell have created visionary organisations i.e. long-term sustainable corporations via inception of their unique leadership characteristics across corporate culture and appoint top management executives those will always adhere to the same. Thus leadership surely creates competitive advantage and great leaders or founders characteristics shape up the corporate culture elements which remain forever. Even after great leaders such as Sam Walton pass off Wal mart still dominant the global retail segment. This is predominantly because Sam Walton incepted leadership culture or characteristic of Walmart as complete family business and which is still prominent in the corporation (2010). As part of corporate culture Oneness across Walmart recruitment of right candidate that will perceive the company as family is primary to the organisation and shapes up the primary business strategy. In the similar fashion if we take the example of Dell Corporation, the founder and CEO Michael Dell has the ability to control individuals. Dell Corporation has one of the most flat and disciplined organisation culture and is build on virtual factory concept. Majority of candidates recruited as required with disciplined people management skill sets. Finally, leadership characteristic of Michael Dell has shaped up the corporate culture and provided Dell Corporation competitive edge against much older peers such as HP and IBM in past 5-10 years. Finally, it could be witnessed that unique leadership characteristics helping organisations to achieve regional competitive advantage irrespective of cultural and other individual managerial perceptions and business ethics. Thus Walmart and ExxonMobil Middle East subsidiaries behave in similar fashion as headquarters or any other regional business unit due to strongly bonded leadership vision and characteristics influxed into corporate culture. 5.0 Propositions Thus it could be seen that unique leadership offers competitive advantage to corporations which could be easily seen from examples of Walmart, Dell Corporation etc from above secondary and primary findings. On the other hand, great leaders possess one or more of the following characteristics which is used to shape up strong corporate culture which will drive a particular organisation towards sustainable competitive advantage (motivation (self and team), understanding sub ordinates and other peers, ability to control people, self confidence and building a team). Majority of great leaders such as Sam Walton, Michael Dell etc recruit personnels/ top management executive carefully aligned with their leadership vision to reduce pitfall on long-term basis. In order to enhance the validity of research it would be great in near future to extend the topic and understand whether unique managerial characteristics can enhance competitive advantage for organisations or not using Kotter skill se ts differences benchmarking matrices. Great leaders characteristics drive unique leadership further enhancing visionary corporate culture helping enterprises achieve competitive advantage. Thus great leaders unique characteristics are so strong and ground rooted that even after their non active participation it stands test of time and helps enterprise achieve regional and international dominance status quo. Thus irrespective of location and regional corporate culture, unique leadership characteristics vision incepted by great leaders such as Sam Walton, Michael Dell etc shape up a regional subsidiary or operations towards sustainable competitive advantage for centuries along with the core business unit i.e. global operations or headquarters.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Night Creature Dark Moon Chapter Thirty-Five Free Essays
Embrace the power. Complete the quest. The answer lies in you. We will write a custom essay sample on Night Creature: Dark Moon Chapter Thirty-Five or any similar topic only for you Order Now The words came out of the darkness, in a voice I didn’t recognize. I awoke to a whole new world – a beautiful place, full of color and light and scent. People and animals meandered about, enjoying the sun that sparkled on clear water. The lion with the lamb, black people with white, I even saw a coyote resting his head on the feathered breast of a chicken. â€Å"Where am I?†â€Å"You are in the Land of Souls.†A woman separated from those lounging near the water and walked toward me. Tall, slim, her hair was flowing black with only a trace of silver. Her face defied time; her eyes were dark, clear, and honest. Her white T-shirt was tucked into a long colorful skirt. She wore a ring on each finger and on two of her toes. Three earrings hung from each ear and bracelets jangled around her slim wrists. â€Å"Am I dead?†â€Å"No.†Her smile was gentle. She took my hand. â€Å"But I am.†â€Å"You’re Cora.†Her brows lifted. â€Å"Will spoke of you.†Her expression became both fond and sad. â€Å"He’s a good boy, and I miss him. Tell him all that I have is his.†â€Å"He’ll like that.†I considered the beautiful, dead old woman. â€Å"You engineered everything, didn’t you?†â€Å"Lydia told me what she had planned.†Cora shrugged. â€Å"I planned better.†â€Å"You gave me strength.†â€Å"No. The strength was always yours. The talisman was merely an instrument that allowed you to access it.†She brushed her hands together. â€Å"Now, I promised you the truth.†â€Å"You did?†â€Å"Embrace what you are, discover the secret you seek.†â€Å"That was you?†She nodded. â€Å"Why didn’t you just tell me who the bad guys were?†â€Å"The Land of Souls doesn’t work that way. Only through accepting yourself could you ever become whole and learn the truth.†I wasn’t sure I could handle any more truth. â€Å"Because you defeated the one who ended my days, I can grant you the answer to a single question. All you need do is ask.†There was only one question I’d ever wanted the answer to. â€Å"What is the cure for lycanthropy?†â€Å"You don’t wish to know how to cure yourself?†â€Å"Isn’t it the same thing?†â€Å"The cure for one will not cure the other. You are different. You must choose.†Myself or all the werewolves? Once the decision would have been easy. I had loathed what I was, would have done anything to remove the curse, cure the virus. But I’d learned a lot in the past few days. Edward might hate me, but that was his problem. I no longer did. I could help people, save lives. Nic hadn’t run screaming. Yet. However, he could when he discovered I might never be cured. I paused to think, but I didn’t really have to. I couldn’t choose an easy life over hundreds, thousands of deaths. I just couldn’t. â€Å"Them, not me,†I said. â€Å"You wish to have the power to remove the demon and make werewolves human again?†â€Å"Yes.†â€Å"A sacrifice,†Cora murmured. â€Å"For the good of mankind. In the end, you will be blessed.†She took me by the hand. When she released me, a pentagram remained, stark black against the pale of my palm. â€Å"Mark of the wolf,†she told me. â€Å"The power to heal.†â€Å"How?†â€Å"The gift was always in you. You fought what you were. You refused to embrace the beast. Relying on science to turn back the tide of magic.†Cora shook her head. â€Å"There is no cure that comes from a bottle.†â€Å"But science made the monsters. Or at least some of them.†â€Å"Hate makes monsters. Those who worshipped the sign of the beast attempted to bring about Doomsday, and they failed.†â€Å"Nazis? The swastika?†â€Å"No one should call forth powers they do not understand.†â€Å"I’ll be able to cure werewolves now?†â€Å"You are woman and wolf – human and inhuman. Only you can touch them and make them whole.†The Land of Souls shimmered, faded, and was gone. â€Å"Elise?†I opened my eyes. Either the sun was setting or a storm was coming. The ravine was shadowed, cool, a bit spooky. I could smell blood, a lot of it, along with wolves, people. How long had I been – Where had I been? Nic, who was on his knees at my side, leaned over and kissed me. A thorough kiss, both sweet and seductive. I lifted my arms and wrapped them around his neck. â€Å"Can we save the pornographic video for later? I got questions.†That was Jessie’s voice. When had she gotten here? Nic lifted his head, touched my cheek. There were shadows in his eyes that hadn’t been there before. â€Å"What’s wrong?†I asked. â€Å"You were dead.†â€Å"Was not.†â€Å"You didn’t have a pulse.†Jessie leaned over and put her finger to my neck. â€Å"You do now.†I slapped her hand away. â€Å"I saw Cora in the Land of Souls.†Everyone went silent. Jessie and Nic exchanged glances. I could tell by their expressions they thought I’d lost my mind. Maybe I had. I’d been hit hard enough to jiggle my brain. â€Å"Cora,†I began, but stopped when Jessie pointed her .44 at my head. â€Å"What’s on your hand?†I blinked at the black pentagram glistening starkly in the half-light. The Land of Souls hadn’t been a dream after all. â€Å"Cora touched me and there it was.†â€Å"Last time there was a tattoo like that it was on a Weendigo,†Jessie said. â€Å"I hate those guys.†Nic slid in front of Jessie’s .44. â€Å"Put the gun down.†â€Å"Hey!†I tugged on his arm. â€Å"She isn’t going to shoot me.†â€Å"Damn straight I will, Doc. I’m not going through that Weendigo shit again, even for you.†â€Å"A pentagram with one point ascendant represents good.†Edward’s voice – my grandfather’s voice – drifted across the ravine. â€Å"Two points ascendant means evil.†Jessie leaned in close, squinting at my palm. â€Å"One up – guess you aren’t Satan’s handmaiden after all.†I rolled my eyes, wincing at the pain the movement caused in my head. Struggling to sit, I glanced in Edward’s direction. All of the werewolves from the basement, save one, were on the ground, dead bodies still smoking. Edward guarded the remaining lycanthrope, rifle nearly touching the guy’s nose. â€Å"How did you manage to arrive in the nick of time?†I asked Jessie. â€Å"Will had a bad feeling.†She shrugged, kicked the ground. â€Å"His feelings come true a lot. When he went to talk to the wigwam guy, I headed here.†She lifted her gaze to mine. â€Å"Lucky I did.†The witchie wolves surrounded what was left of Billy. Even though he’d deserved what he got, my eyes still shied away from the remains. Wait a second. Someone was missing. â€Å"Where’s Lydia?†â€Å"Poof,†Jessie said. â€Å"We got a little busy with†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Her nod indicated the werewolves, Billy, me. â€Å"When we looked, she was gone. Though Edward did find something interesting in her pocket before she left.†Jessie held out her hand. In it lay a set of dentures and a bottle of clear liquid. â€Å"Okay, I’ll bite.†Jessie snorted at my pathetic pun. â€Å"What the hell is that?†â€Å"We couldn’t figure out how the bodies were being bitten by a werewolf in human form when Damien said there was no evidence of a werewolf in Fairhaven.†â€Å"How were they?†â€Å"They weren’t – not really. We think Lydia made an impression of Billy’s teeth, collected his saliva, then did the deed herself.†â€Å"Why Billy?†â€Å"The usual reason, most likely, power. He was loaded with it. I figure Lydia didn’t want to release him if she didn’t have to. That guy was whacked.†â€Å"But the compound blew up, he got out, came here, and she had no choice but to work with him.†â€Å"Great minds,†Jessie agreed, and glanced at the bloody grass. â€Å"Guess we’ll never know the truth for sure, but it all fits.†â€Å"Lydia’s going to try and rule the world again,†I said. â€Å"They always do. But we’ll be here to stop her. Unless I have to shoot you in the head. Tell the tale, Doc.†Quickly I explained my journey to the Land of Souls. â€Å"You’ve been wasting your time and the government’s money? All you had to do was touch them, and they’d be human?†â€Å"Not exactly.†I frowned. â€Å"I’ve touched a few werewolves. Got a headache. Never cured one.†â€Å"So what’s special now. The mark?†â€Å"No.†As my mind cleared, everything Cora had said began to combine with all that I’d learned, all that I knew. â€Å"Not the mark, but what it represents. Embracing my power, the magic, and my beast gave me strength and led me to the truth.†â€Å"I guess that makes as much sense as anything,†Jessie said. â€Å"So why don’t we find out if that brand-new fashion accessory works?†I followed Jessie’s gaze to the werewolf Edward held under the gun. â€Å"Okay.†â€Å"Wait.†Nic put a hand on my shoulder. â€Å"Maybe you should rest first. Who knows what might happen?†â€Å"Exactly, G-man. Who knows what might happen? She’s the most powerful werewolf now. I don’t know about you, but that makes me mighty nervous.†â€Å"She was the most powerful werewolf all along,†Nic said. I glanced at the witchie wolves. â€Å"He’s right.†Jessie aimed her gun and so did Edward. No moss on them. â€Å"What the hell?†Nic asked. â€Å"She commands the witchie wolf army,†Edward murmured. â€Å"They are indestructible.†â€Å"So if I’m of a mind to rule the world – â€Å" â€Å"You can,†Jessie finished. However, I’d never been big on world domination. â€Å"Wait for me in the Land of Souls,†I said. Before the last word left my mouth, the witchie wolves began to fade. Flesh and bone became ghost, ghost became shadow, and then they were gone. â€Å"Oookay,†Jessie muttered. â€Å"They can’t be killed, but they can be commanded to wait in heaven. Works for me.†She lowered her gun. â€Å"Let’s move on. I want to know if that pentagram is good or evil – â€Å" â€Å"She just proved she’s not evil,†Nic said. â€Å"She got rid of the witchies.†â€Å"That proved she’s the most powerful. I don’t like it.†â€Å"I’m not wild about it myself,†I murmured. â€Å"And if she’s evil, you shoot her?†Nic asked. Jessie merely turned a bland gaze in his direction. Stupid question. â€Å"I won’t let you.†â€Å"You won’t have anything to say about it.†Nic’s hand crept toward his gun and I put mine on his. â€Å"I’m not evil. She won’t kill me. And this is going to work. Watch.†I got to my feet, managed not to wobble. This day, this week, hell, this life, was taking a lot out of me. I crossed the ravine, skirting the mess that had been Billy. The last werewolf from the basement, Jack Mc-Grady, stared at me in fear. â€Å"No!†He tried to skitter back. Edward thrust him forward. â€Å"Do it.†â€Å"I don’t want to be human,†Jack shouted. â€Å"Would you rather be dead?†Edward shoved the barrel of a rifle into Jack’s ear. Jack was just a kid. He’d had his whole life ahead of him – in 1955. Since then, he’d made a career of ending other kids’ lives. I didn’t feel an ounce of guilt over using him as my guinea pig. Reaching out, I placed my tattooed palm against his forehead. How to cite Night Creature: Dark Moon Chapter Thirty-Five, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Project Management Plan Stakeholders and Communication
Question: Discuss about theProject Management Planfor Stakeholders and Communication. Answer: The Start of the Project Plan The Sunshine Coast Council maintains and owns abundance of buildings across the region of the Sunshine Coast. These buildings are contained with the systems of fire protections that are maintained in complying with the regulations of Queensland Governments safety aspects. There has been invitation by tender for the suitably experienced and qualified companies for their provision to maintain, comply, and test the systems of fire prevention services that has its location within the facilities of the Councils buildings. The contract is consisting of separable portions as follows: Portion A (separable): Fixed Fire Services Portion B (separable): Portable Equipment Initial Period Subject to the extension of the period further, the commencement of this agreement is on the Commencement Date, unless the termination is done earlier and according to the Agreement terms with it ending on the Expiry Date. Further Period Extension The Agreement terms can be extended by the Council from the Expiry Date to the Further Period, where the written notice is issued to the contractor in a time that is less than a month before the Expiry Date. Appointments Exclusivity Contractors Appointment The contractors appointment by the Council in supplying Services is non-exclusive under this Agreement. No representation is made by the Council or provision of any warranty, which will be exclusive order or source the Service coming from the contractor. There is freedom for the Council in appointing any third party for supplying Service to the Council without the contractors consent (Barbara 2010). Supply of Services The contractor must be supplying the followings The material of the contract The service The materials and the documents necessitated by the use of the service or the supply (Viera 2008). Passing of Risk and Title Risk The Contract Material Risk is passed to the Council from the Contractor on the point of Contract Material delivery. Title The Contract Material Title is passed to the Council on the Service Rates payment or Contract Material delivery for the Service in relation to the Contract Materials, whichever occurs earlier. Payments The contractor must be paid by the Council for performance according to the Service Rates at the time of the performance of the service subject to certain conditions: The compliance of the contractor with regards to the Agreements terms (Kerzner 2009) The tax invoice rendered correctly should be submitted by the contractor for the services performed already by the Contractor according to the clause 26. Communication Management Plan The agreement in relation to the certification, demand, a notice, process or other related communication must be in writing and in English. Provision of communication The communication must comply with the conditions and has been provided in the Agreement: Delivered personally Left at the current address of the party for notices For notices, it must reach the current address of the party by pre-paid ordinary mail or by pre-paid airmail if it is an outside Australia address For notices, sent to the nominated fax number of the party by fax Sent to the nominated e-mail address of the party by e-mail Transmitted, sent or delivered in any manner other than these that the Council has approved from time to time (Baguley 2010) Particulars of Notice Delivery The delivery notices particulars are the mentioned particulars in the schedule 1, items 6. The particulars for the notices delivery can be changed by a party with the provision of notice to another party (Heldman 2011). Communications with Post Even if the communication is done by post to an address within Australia, it is given three Business Days following the post. Communication with Fax It is considered as a communication when a fax is sent from the fax machine of the sender producing a report that the full fax has been sent to the addressee. It is a conclusive report that provides evidence that the fax was received in full by the addressee at the very time that report indicates. Communication via E-mail It is considered as a communication, when the email is sent and addressees email that is capable to retrieve the email sent to it. Other Communications The other forms communication may be verbal communication, which will be considered as communication if it is approved by the Council. There may be specifications given by the Council at the time of communication generated in a manner that is to be given for the Agreements purpose. Communications in After Hours Apart from the Councils request to the contractor for the provision of Service, if the given communication is made: Post 5.00 pm at the place where it is received; or On Sunday, Saturday or public holiday at the place where it is received Communications Direction Council has the power of directing the Contractor in giving communications or particular communication types, in a particular form and/or manner (Kellerman 2012). A business and its subsequent growth may be impacted with several internal and external factors that make a lasting impact. It might propel the business to grow further where as in other cases, it may simply limit the expansion of the business. For any business in any domain to be able to grow beyond the limits, it is essential to employ manpower that is suited to the role that has been defined. Motivated workforce can not only compete with the external forces but also add innovation and creativity to the company making it seem to be better than the others. There has to be a motivated workforce that is willing to learn from the experiences and grow along with the company. A method may be defined as the right way that can be applied by the company in achieving the goals that have been defined. And as far as the Human resource objectives are concerned, a company may choose to apply either of the strategies as listed. One is the Peoples Strategy and the second one HR Functional strategy. Also another strategy called the general peoples procedure can be used to satisfy the various aspects as relative to the manpower. This helps in linking the organizational goals with the goals of the employees leading to overall satisfaction of the employees as well. Stakeholders Management The main stakeholder in the case is the contractor. Therefore, primarily, the management of the contractor will be discussed. Number should be sufficient There should be engagement and provision of the contractor with respect to the Personnels sufficient number in efficiently and promptly performing the obligation of the contractor under this agreement. Experience, Training, and Skills The warranting and the representation is done by the contractor where the engagement of the Personnel takes place for the performance of the obligation pertaining to the contractor under this agreement is with the possession of the experience, training and skills that is a requirement for the performance of the Service according to this Agreement (Stagner 2011). Conduct The contractor has to be ensuring in relation to personnel with regards to the performance pertaining to the obligation of the contractor as follows: Conducting themselves in a professional, civil and courteous manner All laws applicable are obeyed Not seeking any gratuity, reward or fee in relation to the Service performance Precautions are taken adequately in avoiding to cause any property damage No Drugs or Alcohol There must be insurance from the contractor that its Personnel: Refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages Refrain from intoxication Refrain from being under the drugs influence which can or does be impeding their abilities while performing the Service or any other provision of activity required under this Agreement. Legal Proceedings The contractor must be ensuring there is cooperation and other activities required by the Council be performed by its Personnel related to any instituted legal proceedings against Council by the Council against a third party or a third party (Campbell 2011). Industrial Action If any dispute or industrial action involves the Contractors all or some of the Personnel resulting in any interruption or cessation of Service for a time of greater than one day, the contractor must be doing the followings: the reasonable endeavors are used by it in promptly resolving the industrial dispute or action and remedying any Services nonperformance caused by the dispute or industrial action; and On Councils request, notifying immediately the industrial dispute or action to the suitable court or commission seeking urgent injunctive relief in stopping the industrial dispute or action. Representatives Contract Administrator Council must: Appoint an individual or individuals as its representative for this specific agreement and significantly notify the contractor about the specific changes in writing to the contract administrator that to within one business day about the changes being implemented. Contractor Representative: The contractor must: Appoint the representative to be responsible in regards to the day to day performance about the service as well as the supervision of the contractors personnel involved in the service performance. It is also important to notify the council in writing about any significant changes to the identity of the contractor representative within one business day about the changes being implemented. Authority: The parties involved must agree to: Any prolific instruction, direction, approval, notice or other communication that is given or made by the representative of the contractor to the council which shall be deemed to have been given by the contractor. Any specific communication or direction provided by the contract administrator to the contractor shall be deemed to have been made or given by the council. Availability of Contractor Representative: It is the role of the contractor to ensure that representative cooperates with the personnel as well as the council and acts reasonably in an ethical way in regards to the dealing with the personnel or the council. The contractor representative must be available and also able to be significantly contacted by the council by efficient communication source at regular intervals during the business hours The contractor representative has reliability of using a cell phone which will ensure the council to contact the representative of the contractor every day and even after the business hours. The representative of the contractor will also be able to send and receive mails. About the phone numbers as well as the email addresses on which the representative of the contractor can be reached It is critically important for the contractor representative to immediately inform the council about the changes in email addresses and telephone numbers. Performance Management: It is mandatory for the contractor to ensure that the contractor representative meets the administrator of the contract during the business hours at the council office. Performance Management Meeting: It is necessary that at the performance management meeting the contractor representative must consult ethically with the administrator about any significant matters in regards to the agreement. The administrator must be informed about any issues persisting in the performance of the obligations of the contractor under the agreement About any non-compliance by the contractor with no significant obligations under the agreement, including the KPIs. Conclusion and Recommendations It is critically important for an organization to analyze and evaluate the key components of the organization that significant helps in boosting the revenue as well as the growth of the organization. Eventually along with all strategic plans it is important to outline the stakeholder management plan. The stakeholder management plan prolifically highlights the key measures and strategies to be taken into consideration in regards to the smooth business operations of the organization. Stakeholders of the organization play a major role in assessing the financial and managerial implications therefore; it is quite effective for the organization to have a definite plan to manage the stakeholders in an efficient manner. Managing the stakeholders can benefit the organization on applying major strategies and techniques by which the organization will be perform on significant grounds and also enhance the effectiveness in a prolific manner. It is also important for the organization to establish a stakeholder analysis to have a wide scope of attaining the key objectives and goals. References Baguley, P. (2010) Improve your project management, Teach Yourself, London. Barbara, J. J. (2010)Construction Management Jumpstart(2nd ed.), Indianapolis, Indiana: Wiley. Campbell, G.M. (2011)The complete idiot's guide to project management, 5th ed, Alpha Books, Indianapolis, IN. Heldman, K. (2011)Project management jumpstart, 3rd ed, Wiley, New York. Kellerman, B. (2012)The end of leadership, Harper Collins, New York. Kerzner, H. (2009) Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling, 10th ed, Wiley, New York. Stagner, S. (2011)"Design-Build and Alternative Project Delivery in Texas", Texas Council of Engineering Companies. Viera, G. (2008)"What Is Construction Project Management?", PM Hut.
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